Chloe Rosen


Chloe (they/them) centers their life around embodied movement practices such as yoga and dance. They are curious about the healing art of these forms: how fully occupying our bodies supports radical self empowerment and the inner-resourcing necessary for moving towards a future of collective liberation. They have been dancing for most of their life and found yoga as means of rehabilitating injury and supporting their dance practice. Most importantly, in yoga they found a practice that would be fundamental in their emotional and spiritual well-being. In 2021, they founded Sapphire Yoga Collective, an all queer circle of teachers offering accessible yoga to the queer/trans community. Chloe is extremely inspired by the work of Jacoby Ballard, Jessamyn Stanely, adrienne maree brown, and Susanna Barkataki -- seeing yoga (beyond just the physical practice) to be a radical, liberatory practice with the potential for expansive change-making. Chloe's all-levels classes integrate slow inward tuning in, with flowy sequences and stillness, centering intuition, joy, breath, and pleasure.