Mera Freeman-Gerlach


Mera Freeman-Gerlach (they/them) is a queer herbalist, nature lover, activist and RYT-200 hour yoga teacher with 7 years of experience working in diverse settings. Mera came to yoga on a healing journey of mental well-being, spiritual yearning and body acceptance. This inspired them on the path to create inclusive spaces that are safe for those with trauma, queer identities, eating disorders, addiction issues, disabilities, non-flexible/ larger bodies, etc. Mera teaches in a a radical, joy-filled, pleasure-awaked style that encourages people to explore the wisdom of their own body as a guide. Their classes use a trauma-informed approach with intuitive vinyasa flows, music, yin, pranayama, and somatic release for all skill levels and abilities. They also love to incorporate practices that connect people to the earth and natural cycles. Mera’s goal in this life is to make movement practice, wellness and connection to nature accessible to all.